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Les Indésirables (2023)

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Les Indésirables (2023)

Title: Les Indésirables (2023)

Les Indésirables

Original title: Bâtiment 5

Director: Ladj Ly
Screenwriter: Giordano Gederlini
Year: 2023
Time: 101 mn
Type: DrameSociété
Distribution: Le Pacte


TRAILER of the film: Les Indésirables Artists: Steve Tientcheu, Jeanne Balibar, Anta Diaw, Aristote Luyindula, Alexis Manenti, Valentin Pradier


Haby, a young woman deeply involved in the life of her community, discovers the new redevelopment plan for the area where she grew up. Conducted on the sly by Pierre Forges, a young pediatrician who has been promoted to mayor, the plan calls for the demolition of the building where Haby grew up. Haby and her family set out to prevent the demolition of Building 5 by fighting the municipality and its grand ambitions.

Released: 06/12/2023 (France)

More Film with:
Steve Tientcheu
Steve Tientcheu


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