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LA MARTINIQUE AUX MARTINIQUAIS: l’affaire de l’O.J.A.M. (2012)

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LA MARTINIQUE AUX MARTINIQUAIS: l’affaire de l’O.J.A.M. (2012)

Title: LA MARTINIQUE AUX MARTINIQUAIS: l’affaire de l’O.J.A.M. (2012)

La Martinique aux Martiniquais, l'affaire de l'O.J.A.M.

Original title: La Martinique aux Martiniquais, l’affaire de l’O.J.A.M

Director: Camille Mauduech
Screenwriter: Camille Mauduech
Year: 2012
Time: 120 mn
Type: Documentaire
Distribution: Les Films du Marigot


TRAILER of the film: La Martinique aux Martiniquais, l’affaire de l’O.J.A.M. Artists:


Martinique, a former colony incorporated as part of France in 1946, is mired in its ‘unfailing attachment to France’ while the winds of change fill the sails of independence struggles all over the world. The Algerian war, raging on French soil, forces people to choose sides, to engage. December 23, 1962. At dawn, a bright, colorful poster is plastered across the walls of all public buildings, schools, police stations, town halls and churches all over Martinique. The poster, massively distributed under cover of darkness, bears a simple slogan in capital letters: MARTINIQUE FOR THE MARTINIQUANS!

Released: Coming soon

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